Notes/design stance/3D notes:

Space bug:

The idea for this bug came from Kenneth Batelman's robotic fly + a hornet. I wanted to create something that looked organic but also alien and robotic. The head and legs are sort of mechanical (could be better), the body and wings are more organic. If this was a real stinging insect on Earth, it would be yellow and black with jagged patterns to warn would be predators that it can sting. Your normal reaction to a wasp or a hornet is that it is nasty and to get it away from you when in fact they are very beautiful. Blues are soothing colours and your natural response is usually one of pleasure. A lot of colour research has been carried out and experiments have been conducted to accurately guage people's response to colour. Ittens (?) states that in one such experiment, subjects put into a blue room felt colder at a higher temperature than subjects in a a red room. Similarly horses in a red room took longer to calm down at night than in a blue room. Some scientists think that we react to colour even when we cannot consciously perceive it such as at night. Any marketing maching involved in branding will take ages planning colour schemes etc. Take McDonalds for example, the red and yellow colour scheme that they use is nasty and vibrant because they want to get you into and out of the restaurant at top speed. You may remember their initial funny seats, which were sort of rests, consolidating this approach (although I think they have been taken away).

Where I stand on design personally:

I get very bored by MI5 constantly having a go at my designs etc. When I did my generalised HND I did it for three purposes: 1) to build up my self esteem after SO10 and MI5 had taken it away, 2) to give me some skills which I might use in an ancillary capacity 3) to explore something which personally fascinates me.

The directors of MI5 tried to fail me on the course and since then have been concentrating on rubbishing my efforts in order to depress me, to try and take away support from within their ranks and to try and remove attention from the fact that had they not ruined my life I would have been doing something else. Under normal circumstances it would have been lunacy for me to do what I am doing for lots of reasons. Right after my course finished I went straight back into teaching with the idea of doing a bit of web page design on the side. Had MI5 stopped persecuting me I may have explored other areas where I could use my new skills in an ancillary capacity. Instead of which MI5 got me sacked and have successfully kept me unemployed. However, there is one positive aspect to come out of this, which is that I have been able to explore design in ways that would have been an extravagant luxury under other cirucmstances. Few of my designs, if any, would stand up to the sharp end of the design industry, but I am very proud of my efforts - if you are going to be forced into umemployment for a long time you had better have avid interests.

Another factor is that MI5 have over the past few years repeatedly infected my software with viruses which impede my ability to finish things, resulting in often half finished designs. In addition, if some of my satirical jibes look crap that is because they are supposed to, to add insult to injury. So swallow that, Bullying Manner you thick, ugly, fat fascist bitch!

click for some thoughts on 3D illusions
